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4LOM Administrator
Anmeldungsdatum: 28.02.2005 Beiträge: 3350 Wohnort: North by Northwest
Verfasst am: 11 Apr 2006 22:48 Titel: DVDBeaver (mal wieder) vor dem Aus? |
Steht DVDBeaver vor dem Aus? "Mal wieder" könnte man sagen, denn schon öfters hat Gary dies angekündigt, besonders wegen dem finanziellen Aufwand, der durch seine Links auf Amazon und andere Mailorder wohl nicht hereinzuholen ist. Bisher hat es jedesmal geklappt, daß es genug Leute gab, die Geld gespendet haben, damit die WebSite weiterläuft. Mal sehen, was diesmal daraus wird.
Von der derzeitigen Startseite:
Zitat: | First and foremost I'd like to acknowledge those patrons of the site who contribute to us by using our Amazon and YesAsia links (and donating). We certainly wouldn't have come this far without you. Secondly, I truly appreciate those individuals who have written reviews/comparisons and supplied us with pertinent information to post. Both groups are aware of who they are and I'd like to note their invaluable and generous assistance.
It doesn't matter how much work we do, the ratio of hits/revenue is just not there to sustain us other than during Holiday season. Profit rises but costs rise further. My obvious option is to review more popular/mainstream DVDs that always seem to outsell our current selections.... but unless I find it a notable or exceptional title - I really don't have any interest in that route. I certainly can't blame anyone for seeking out more cost-effective purchasing solutions as opposed to being satisfied with the reliability and ease of Amazon... and after our abysmal association with DVDSoon I don't intend to seek out partnering with further cut-rate e-tailors.
I'm going to take a rest for the next few days and decide if I am willing to invest anymore time and money into DVDBeaver. My poor business sense shows again as I felt certain we had enough of a fan-base, for classic, world and occasionally Indie cinema on DVD, to keep us afloat. Our hits are very good and continue to flourish but our revenue consistently dwindles as a ratio...
We have new reviews still upcoming including the Dardenne's L'Enfant and the Tennessee Williams Boxset. Our home page is located HERE.
Best regards,
_________________ Race hate isn't human nature; race hate is the abandonment of human nature.
--- Orson Welles |
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4LOM Administrator
Anmeldungsdatum: 28.02.2005 Beiträge: 3350 Wohnort: North by Northwest
Verfasst am: 13 Apr 2006 14:38 Titel: |
Gary macht doch weiter:
Zitat: | Thanks very kindly for all the support! I'm very touched by your emails. I've enjoyed the past 1.5 days off watching Renoir's Toni and Milestone's The Purple Heart - reviews are forthcoming. Actually, Toni is done and its a cracker! (Thanks MoC!) - HERE
Your suggestions are all helpful and appreciated. I do strongly believe in the precepts of the Internet - freedom of information and sharing of data. I also hate blatant advertising (flash banners, pop-ups etc.) with a passion. Going either of those routes (making Beaver a subscription site or post extensive advertising) would be contrary to my personal beliefs. If it makes me a poor business man then so be it. And if I am going to stick with my philosophy then I really have no right in complaining about monetary problems. If the site can't cut the mustard then maybe it shouldn't survive. We had some donations after my posting and I'm sure we can continue to exist for a while longer (thanks kindly!). The best suggestions I received in email were to request to those who do not use Amazon (and our links) to possibly do so every 3rd or 4th purchase (this would help greatly!) AND/OR if you spend a lot on DVDs, subscribe to Amazon Prime. Randall said:
'Consider a link to inform your clients WHY they should join amazon.com’s PRIME service. It only costs $79.00 per year and everything you order gets shipped UPS Two-day for free. I have been a PRIME member since they first initiated it a little over a year ago and my $79.00 investment has MORE than paid for itself as I purchase 10-20 DVDs per month. Yes, you CAN get cheaper prices from cut-rate e-tailers but you also have to pay shipping where they gouge the price back up and some charge sales tax too.'
I have decided that I am going to continue DVDBeaver at a more conservative pace limiting reviews to only certain titles and not try to cover off too much. I feel like DVDBeaver has become an entity on its own and although I can't stop the freight train - maybe I can slow it down a shade. My wife has a great job (quite fortunately) and she is right that my time working on Beaver (often valued at minus 0.90/hour) shouldn't intrude as much on our family time. I have two young sons that I intend to take to the park on a daily basis this summer. Even with all the email support I must come to the conclusion that DVDBeaver is just another website and hence may not be around forever.
Thank you kindly for all your support,
P.S. Home page is HERE and we'll return to normal, for as long as we can, very soon.
_________________ Race hate isn't human nature; race hate is the abandonment of human nature.
--- Orson Welles |
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Anmeldungsdatum: 06.03.2006 Beiträge: 22
Verfasst am: 12 Mai 2006 19:26 Titel: |
Ist halt immer so eine Sache mit den Partnerlinks. Es gibt soviele Seiten und der finanzielle Aufwand ist überall enorm. Daher unterstütze ich eigentlich nur die Seite, ohne die's "gar nicht geht". Beaver ist nett, aber gehört leider nicht dazu. |
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