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Anmeldungsdatum: 28.02.2005 Beiträge: 3350 Wohnort: North by Northwest
Verfasst am: 15 Okt 2011 18:05 Titel: GB: 'Die Blechtrommel' mit DC und Kinofassung |
Das britische Label Arrow Films wird innerhalb der “Arrow Academy”-Reihe Volker Schlöndorffs “Die Blechtrommel / The Tin Drum” [BRD / F / PL / YU 1979] als Blu-ray/DVD-Combo veröffentlichen. Auf der deutschen und meines Wissens weltweit bisher einzigen Blu-ray Disc des Films ist nur der neue und längere Director’s Cut enthalten. Das britische Set wird neben dem DC in Hi-Def auch die Kinofassung in High-Definition und auf der DVD in Standard-Definition aufweisen. Einen Vergleich zwischen der Kinofassung mit dem DC gibt es bei Schnittberichte. Eine Äußerung Schlöndorffs zur längeren Version hatte ich hier veröffentlicht.
Während die deutsche Blu-ray von Kinowelt/StudioCanal mehrere Featuretten und Interviews bietet, wird das Arrow-Set einen Audiokommentar des Regisseurs enthalten. Ob es sich um einen neuen für den Director’s Cut oder eventuell um einen älteren für die Kinofassung handelt, geht aus den Angaben des Labels nicht hervor. Die Veröffentlichung erfolgt am 9. Januar 2012.
Zitat: | Winner of the Cannes Palme d’Or and the Best Foreign Film Oscar, and adapted from one of the major works of postwar German literature (whose author later won the Nobel Prize), few films have such a powerhouse artistic pedigree.
When Oskar Matzerath (the extraordinary David Bennent, just twelve at the time) receives a tin drum for his third birthday, he vows to stop growing there and then – and woe betide anyone who tries to take his beloved drum away from him, as he has a banshee shriek that can shatter glass. As a result, he retains a permanent child’s-eye perspective on the rise of Nazism as experienced through petit-bourgeois life in his native Danzig, the ‘free city’ claimed by both Germany and Poland whose invasion in 1939 helped kick-start World War II. With the help of Luis Buñuel’s favourite screenwriter Jean-Claude Carrière, director Volker Schlöndorff turns Günter Grass’s magical-realist masterpiece into a carnivalesque frenzy of bizarre, grotesque yet unnervingly compelling images as Oskar turns his increasingly jaded eye and caustic tongue on the insane follies of the adult world that he refuses to join.
Arrow Academy presents Volker Schlöndorff’s masterpiece in its original theatrical version and the Director’s Cut, seen for the first time in the UK after its Cannes Film Festival premiere.
- High Definition and Standard Definition presentation of the original theatrical version [1080p]
- High Definition presentation of the Director’s Cut [Blu-ray only 1080p]
- New restoration of both the theatrical version and the brand new Director’s Cut approved by director Volker Schlöndorff
5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio
- Audio commentary with director/co-screenwriter Volker Schlöndorff
- Brand new interview with Volker Schlöndorff
- Original Trailer [Blu-ray only]
- Comprehensive booklet featuring brand new writing on the film by George Lellis and Hans-Bernhard Moeller, authors of Volker Schlondorff’s Cinema: Adaptation, Politics and the Movie-appropriate, as well as extracts from Volker Schlöndorff’s diary, writing by Jean Claude Carrière and Günter Grass, illustrated with archival stills.
- Artwork presentation packaging featuring newly commissioned artwork and three original posters |
_________________ Race hate isn't human nature; race hate is the abandonment of human nature.
--- Orson Welles |