"Criterion's standard-setting laser release ... is still hard to surpass."
-Chris Willman, Pulse!
Ridley Scott's futuristic film noir adaptation of Philip K. Dick's Do Androids
Dream of Electric Sheep? stars Harrison Ford as a bounty hunter tracking
replicants Sean Young, Darryl Hannah, and Rutger Hauer through the bleak streets
of Los Angeles, circa 2019. The incredible production design is shown to its best
advantage in Criterion's widescreen transfer. The CAV edition
includes: - The original European release version, with footage cut from
the American theatrical release
- Gouache illustrations, pen and marker
drawings, and preliminary sketches by Syd Mead, the film's "visual futurist"
Detailed scene-by-scene analysis
- Trivia test and Blade Runner bibliography
In Depth |
Index of Films